Typha Glauca 2
Quilt Details:
Year: 2014
Collection: Collection of Artist
Dimensions: 40″ H x 32″ W
Technique: Hand appliqué, Photoshop manipulated images, Machine Quilted
Background fabric printed by Spoonflower

Inspired by a photomicrograph from Dr. James L. Seago
The micrograph is of a culm of Typha glauca, the dominant wetland plant of almost every wetland around the great lakes. The stem was stained with phloroglucinol for lignin by Hilary McManus and Jim Seago around 2002. It is a brightfield image off of the Zeiss scope in Waterloo, Ontario.

Plant Anatomy Series
Variation on Typha Glauca 1
I printed two yards of the background image and positioned one in 'portrait' and one in 'landscape' orientation. Typha glauca 1 has the plant leaves-inflorescence image being parallel with the wavy, heavier sclerenchyma zones (the thick dark brown on the sides) Typha Glauca 2 has the sclerenchyma zones more horizontal which seemed to me to suggest sky and ground.