Quilt Details:
Year: 2001
Collection: Kara Beauregard
Dimensions: 40 1/2″ H x 55 1/2″ W
Technique: Machine pieced, Hand appliqué, Machine quilted, Hand beaded

This quilt celebrates Kara's high school graduation and commemorates her successful treatment of Rhabdomyosarcoma (cancer) of the middle ear.
We begin in Maine, where Kara was born. Here you'll find blueberry bushes, which not only grow wild in Maine but figure prominently in Kara's favorite book, Blueberries for Sal. Next we travel to Virginia (in the middle of the quilt), where Kara moved and started treatment. The hospital's fairy godmother (a volunteer Grandma) is flying the kite from the baseball cap Kara wore during her bald-headed days following treatment.

The Rainbow
The rainbow comes from the Rainbow Care Bear, one of Kara's favorite toys.
The gold vulture is for Nekhbet, the Egyptian god Kara finds most interesting - Kara feels she has a strong connection to Egypt. The camel and the frog (every fairy godmother must have a frog) just needed some extra beading to make them shine (and give me something extra fun to do!). After the design was sketched, Kara wanted to include an angel in the quilt to represent her guardian angel. I used the only angel fabric I could find for the backing so that Kara might have as many guardian angels as she needed. There are a few memorable objects that I couldn't integrate into the quilt: hot dogs - it's not every four-year-old vomiting from chemotherapy who still wants to eat hot dogs; clams-for the family clamming trips in Maine; and cooking utensils-for Kara's current passion.
Conquer your Fears.
Complete All your Dreams.
Face each Day and, Live your Life to the Fullest.
Love with all your Heart.
Listen closely to the world around you and to your angels; only then will you complete your Journey.
- Kara Beauregard, April 2001